A former vacant lot across the street from the church, that was turned into a community gathering place. Recently purchased by the city to become a city park. It’s a beautiful place where neighbors gather to grow healthy food.
Private plots are available for people that would like to grow their own food. They are 4‘ x 16‘ and along with a $10.00 a month’s rental comes free compost, seeds, tools, and water. Advice is free too. There’s also a refundable deposit fee of $60 to help clean up plots when owners have left behind a big mess. Gardeners leaving with plots in good condition get their deposits back.
If you want a plot connect with the Garden Coordinator. The garden also has many opportunities for volunteers, community service and academic interns. Plots or volunteer work can be arranged by sending an email to the Garden Coordinator, Mark McReynolds, at garden@pomonahope.org or jardin@pomonahope.org . Hablamos Español.